Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol ( ADY) /
Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

Trwy gynllunio cwricwlwm gwahaniaethol sicrhawn fod yr holl ddisgyblion yn derbyn
gweithgareddau addas at eu gallu. Bydd arsylwi cyson yn galluogi’r athrawon i baratoi
gweithgareddau addas i unigolion sydd ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol. Bydd y gweithgareddau yn
gymorth i rai disgyblion gyrraedd y nodau dymunol a byddant yn ymestyn eraill i’w llawn botensial.
Weithiau bydd rhai disgyblion yn wynebu problemau mwy dwys na’r cyffredin, lle bydd angen
cymorth ychwanegol arnynt. Os gwelwn fod angen cymorth ychwanegol bydd yr ysgol yn cysylltu â’r
rhieni/gwarcheidwaid trwy lythyr neu alwad ffôn a chynnig cyfle iddynt drafod yr anghenion a’r
gwersi ychwanegol â’r CADY (Cydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol). Os bydd angen cynnwys
plentyn ar y gofrestr Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol ar unrhyw ddisgybl bydd yr ysgol yn cadw
cysylltiad agos â’r rhieni ac yn cydweithio â hwy a’r asiantaethau allanol.

The careful planning of a differentiated curriculum ensures that each pupil takes part in activities
best suited to his/her ability. Regular monitoring of the pupils’ progress enables teachers to plan
appropriate activities. Planned activities will support some pupils and will stretch others in order
that all achieve their full potential.
At times some pupils will face more significant problems, where extra help will be required. If extra
support is needed the school will contact the parents by telephone call or letter, inviting them to
discuss the provision of additional lessons with the ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator).
If it is decided that a pupil needs to be included on the Additional Learning Needs register the school
will maintain close contact with the parents and work with them and any necessary external

Beth sy’n digwydd –  What’s happening?

